Frequently Asked Questions
How long must I be out of work before I am eligible to receive Workers' Compensation (WC) benefits?
An injured worker must be incapacitated for five calendar days in
order to be considered for reimbursement of lost wages.
What are the time limits for filing a claim with HRD?
The law allows 4 years from the date that the employee first
recognizes that the alleged injury is work related.
What kind of benefits am I entitled to receive?
Injured workers with approved claims are entitled to 60% of lost
wages, as well as medical treatment, with Utilization Review (UR) approval. If
necessary, employees also have a right to rehabilitative services.
Why did I get this Utilization Review (UR) Card/Letter?
HRD Claims Unit is required by Massachusetts Workers' Compensation regulations
to advise all injured workers with compensable claims of specific information.
The UR Letter/Card will serve two purposes: 1) It will advise you of the status
of your claim with regard to compensation benefits and 2) It will inform you of
the number to call to reach the HRD UR Unit to obtain review for your medical
In urgent/emergent situations you will be advised to notify the UR Unit within
24 hours of visit if possible and UR will review the services retrospectively.
You will also receive an introductory letter from the UR Unit upon first
request for medical services.
What is the UR fax number?
I am receiving bills from my health care provider; what
should I do?
Inform your private healthcare provider that services performed
were the result of an industrial accident. Providers should contact UR for a
retrospective review.
My workers' compensation claim was denied how do I appeal?
An employee can appeal a denied claim by calling the Department of
Industrial Accidents at 617-727-4900.
Can I choose my own Doctor?
Who is the insurer for my claim?
The Commonwealth is self-insured. The Commonwealth is both the
insurer and UR agent for your claim.
I am calling with questions regarding WC requirements for
insurers in Massachusetts?
HRD is the WC insurer for state employees only. All other employees
in Massachusetts are covered by the Department of Industrial Accidents